Congratulations to the Winners!

"Let's Sing!"

2023 BHS International Senior Quartet Champions!

Congratulations, Gentlemen! 

Pictured left to right are:
tenor Steve Tremper, lead Mark Chandler,
bass Greg Zinke, and baritone Joe Doub.

"Hastily Assembled"

earned 1st place in the 2022 Carolinas District Seniors Quartet Championship. Pictured left to right are Tenor Gerry Davis, Lead Nate Pendley, Bass Rob Alexander, and Baritone Dick Franklin. 


earned 5th place medals in the 2022 Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) International Senior Quartet Contest In Pasadena CA. Pictured left to right: Tenor Ted Leinbach, Lead Wally Miles, Bass Tom Parker and Baritone Rob Hopkins. All but Hopkins are dual members of the Winston-Salem and Charlotte chapters of the BHS. Rob is the Musical Director of the Gold Standard Chorus (Charlotte).