About Us
Barbershop Harmony Society
The Society’s purpose is to perpetuate and spread this uniquely American musical art form throughout the world. There are more than 30,000 members in more than 800 chapters in the United States and Canada, the world’s largest all-male singing organization. Affiliated organizations throughout the world include Australia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, and Great Britain. There are also barbershop singers in Denmark, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, China, Hungary, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Iceland, and the Russian Federation.
This style of unaccompanied vocal music is characterized by consonant four-part chords for every melody note. The voice parts are tenor, lead, baritone and bass. The lead usually sings the melody, the tenor harmonizing above, the bass singing the lowest harmonizing notes and the baritone completing the chord either above or below the lead.
Triad Harmony Express
Do you like to sing? Enjoy listening to close harmony? Ever heard of barbershop harmony? It’s definitely no longer 4 old guys hanging around a lamppost. Barbershop harmony, Triad Harmony Express-style, is a high energy, creative, top notch musical experience for the singer and audience member alike.
Triad Harmony Express (THE) is the Winston-Salem chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. We meet every Tuesday night at Fries Memorial Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, NC to vocalize, harmonize and, yes, even socialize a little. Our membership crosses a vast array of age groups, professions, and musical backgrounds. The chorus and quartets perform locally and achieve consistent success in the contest program of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Our annual activities include Singing Valentines, supporting local high school chorus programs, attending twice a year Barbershop Harmony Conventions/Festivals, and staging several concerts.
In short – if you enjoy harmony, singing well, and having a good time, Triad Harmony Express is definitely for you! COME SING WITH US!